Party and Politics *



• Jede Party ist politisch, auch ohne Transparente und Flugblätter.

• Politisch ist der Umgang der Leute miteinander: Gemeinschaftlich oder sind alle auf einem Ego-Trip?

• Politisch ist es, wenn alle ehrfürchtig zum DJ hinauf blicken und ihn bejubeln, was immer er auch macht.

• Politisch ist, ob es bei einer Party um die Community geht oder nur um Profit.

• Politisch ist auch das Verhältnis zur Natur bei einem Open-Air: Bleiben Müllberge zurück?

• Politisch sind Partys auf denen in Straßen, Supermärkten und Konzernzentralen für Veränderung getanzt wird.

• Und politisch sind Partys, die sich bewusst Kommerz, Konsum und Kontrolle widersetzen, um dadurch zu einem wirklichen Freiraum zu werden...

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• Every party is political. There needn’t be a banner hanging with a political demand anywhere.

• So, for example, the question of who makes money out of a party is political. Is it a single person that thrives on inflated admission charges? Or is it a group of people that are mainly concerned with a good party?

• Political is the handling of nature at an Open-Air event. Does one strive to use the place sensibly or are there piles of rubbish left behind?

• Political is how people interact with each other at a party. Is it collaborative or an Ego-trip?

• Of course a consciously organized party that becomes a free space and defies the guidelines of commerce and consumption and control is also political.

• Political is as well how drugs are handled on a party.

• For example it is also political if all reverentially look up to the DJ and acclaim whatever he may do.

• Political is more than the question whether a track has political lyrics. Policy is also more than the talk of ministers. Policy is the relationship between us. Policy is our daily action ...

Wolfgang Sterneck

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The Obama deficit plan would raise taxes on the wealthiest Americans, but would it hurt the economy? The answer to that question depends on what happens during the next two years.
Would President Obama's tax-the-rich proposal, part of a plan to raise some revenue for deficit reduction, actually harm the economy?
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Critics say it would, but economists suggest a major part of the equation involves the state of the economy itself. By 2013, the earliest Mr. Obama's tax reform policies would go into effect, no one knows if the economy will be humming along, muddling through, or in a recession.
To that, economists suggest it's anyone's guess. Yes, the economic outlook is that uncertain, leaving any analysis of the economic impact of a potential $ 1.5 trillion in tax hikes equally uncertain. Congress, Greece, and the housing market could all play significant roles – but what those roles might be are yet to be determined, experts say.

The optimists believe the US housing market, suffering since 2008, will revive, giving the economy a significant boost.
Those who are less optimistic, think the economy will be moving ahead at a snail’s pace – not much different than today.
And the pessimists think the financial problems in Europe could send the US economy back into recession – assuming it’s not there already.
“Next year is probably more uncertain than 2013,” says economist Joel Naroff of Naroff Economic Advisors in Holland, Pa. “If we get through 2012 OK, then 2013 will be good. But if not, then 2013 will be a disaster.”

Some economists say that Congress could play a significant role in what happens next. It has already agreed to cut spending, but that will actually reduce economic activity, says Mark Zandi of Moody’s
He estimates the impact of the fiscal austerity will cost the economy 1.7 percentage points of economic activity unless Congress does something such as renewing the reduction in payroll taxes (think Social Security and Medicare taxes). In 2013, the belt-tightening will cost the economy 1.5 percentage points.

Starhunter 2300: Episode 18: Just Politics

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