
Sister Wives is an unscripted television series that follows Lehi, Utah, advertising salesman Kody Brown, 41, and his wives, which includes his three wives Meri, 39, Janelle, 40, and Christine, 37, and their thirteen children among them. It also televised Brown's courting and eventual marriage to a fourth wife, Robyn Sullivan, 31, who herself has three children. The crews continued to film them afterward in case the series was picked up for a second season. Sister Wives was publicly introduced on August 6, 2010 at the Television Critics Association summer media tour in Beverly Hills, California. The series's first episode, an hour long, was broadcast on TLC on September 26, 2010, and the first season continued with six half-hour chapters until October 17, 2010. In early September 2010, the drama series Lone Star, about a con man on the verge of entering into multiple marriages, premiered on Fox but was quickly cancelled after two episodes, and when Sister Wives first debuted, actress Katherine Heigl was in the process of developing a film about Carolyn Jessop, a woman who fled from a polygamist sect. In October 2010, TLC announced it had commissioned a second season of ten episodes, scheduled to air starting in March 2011. A TLC interview with the Brown family was broadcast on October 31, 2010, and an one-hour program featuring the honeymoon of Kody Brown and Robyn Sullivan aired on November 22, 2010.I have to admit, the thought alone of one man, especially this guy Kody Brown having several wives has always creeped me out. Something about having to share my husband just doesn't sit right with me. I watched bits and pieces of the show last season, and I kind of wondered repeatedly what all these women saw in this one guy. If you ask me he reminds me of the cavemen from those car insurance commercials. Anyway. The title of the series, "Sister Wives", refers to a concept prevalent in Mormon fundamentalism that the wives in a plural marriage not only marry the husband, but are eternally united to each other. For years prior to the series, the family kept their polygamist lifestyle what they called a "quasi-secret". Both Kody Brown and his wives have claimed part of the reason they are participating in Sister Wives is to make the public more aware of polygamist families and to combat societal prejudices often associated with polygamy.Indeed, Sister Wives Season 2 Episode 3 is an one of a kind episode that you don't like to miss. With all our hearts, we are ready to give you the FULL VIDEO for free. Sister Wives Season 2 Episode 3 is now ready to give you 100% TV entertainment. Enjoy watching now and have a nice day.

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