Tulasi Ram - Venkatesh, who arrives from a factionist loved ones, falls in adore with a style designer Vasundara - Nayantara in his journey to Europe. As Vasu reciprocates positively, they get married and are blessed with a infant boy. Vasu looses her only brother - Shivaji, in some conflicts, she misunderstands Tulasis violence is responsible for her brothers loss of life and will get separated from her hubby, taking away her little son. The rest of the tale is how Tulasi gets again her and their son. Click on to observe the greatest of Telugu songs, scenes, trailers, Tv reveals and so forth. Tailored by Robert Bolt and Constance Willis from Bolt's hit phase perform, A Gentleman for All Seasons stars Paul Scofield, triumphantly repeating his phase function as Sir Thomas A lot more. The crux of the movie is the staunchly Catholic More's refusal to acknowledge King Henry VIII (Robert Shaw)'s break from the church to divorce his initial spouse and marry Anne Boleyn (an unbilled Vanessa Redgrave). Sir Thomas willingly goes to the chopping block fairly than sacrifice his ideals. Director Fred Zinnemann retains the play's verbosity with out sacrificing the film's strong perception of visuals. The impeccably selected forged includes Wendy Hiller as Sir Thomas' likably contentious wife Alice, John Hurt as the deceitful Richard Rich (More's put-downs of this despicable character present some of the film's largest laughs), Orson Welles as a dour Cardinal Woolsey, Leo McKern as the ambitious Thomas Cromwell, and Susannah York as More's daughter Margaret. The "Common Guy," an important bridging-the-scenes character in the unique play, is removed from the movie version, which does just great without having him. A Man for All Seasons won six Oscars, including Best Photo, Greatest Director, and Greatest Actor, as nicely as 7 British Film Academy awards. Look at the complete demonstrate at Apparently some men and women have been hunting for this one particular. This is a trailer from the Iria assortment extras DVD. I was just blown absent by the songs when I noticed it. It's named Forces, by Susumu Hirasawa. The DVD truly presented the trailer in mono, if you can feel that. So I painstakingly cut the tune and set it again in to match the original. Here's a substantial good quality down load: Or if your personal computer is not rapidly sufficient for H264 video (you need to have like one+ gHz) you can obtain a medium quality XviD edition: David Arquette
David Arquette, Courteney Cox, Coco Super-Happy Family at DWTS
david arquette
For his Dancing with the Stars debut on Monday, David Arquette had two lovely ladies cheering the loudest for him: his daughter Coco, 7, and estranged wife Courteney Cox. "I thought David did such an amazing job," Cox, 47, told Us Weekly after the show ...

Dancing with the Stars Premiere 09/19/11 1923 Moon Model 6-58/Sport Touring

1923 Moon Sport Touring
Steven Gerrard surveys the action on his return to the Liverpool first team. Photograph: Peter Cziborra/Action Images

Steven Gerrard returned to Liverpool colours after six months out with groin trouble and claimed the team's 4-0 defeat at Tottenham Hotspur on Sunday was "out of our system now" with this third-round Carling Cup win at Brighton & Hove Albion.
England's vice-captain replaced Luis Suárez 73 minutes into Liverpool's 2-1 victory and assumed a central-midfield position alongside Jay Spearing and Lucas Leiva. Gerrard, now 31, confined himself to neat short passes and half-speed forward thrusts as Liverpool contained a dangerous second-half fightback from Championship opposition.
"Tonight was not about me. It was about progressing in the cup and getting that Tottenham performance out of our system and I think we have now done that," he said. "It is down to the manager now. I have been out for six months so it is about getting training sessions under my belt and match time. Hopefully I will be selected for the 18 against Wolves [at the weekend]."
"Steve coming back in was fantastic for everyone coming at the football club, but we are more pleased for Steven than anyone else," Kenny Dalglish, the Liverpool manager, said. "He had a few setbacks along the way and we have had to manage it to get him this far. We need to be careful and we won't get carried away – but it's great for everyone."
Gerrard, who has scored 140 times in 556 appearances for the Anfield club, had not played since the 3-1 win over Manchester United on 6 March. His recovery from a groin injury was complicated by infection. Warming up in the first half he was applauded by home supporters and finally joined the action to acclaim from both sets of fans.
His return will both fortify Liverpool's league campaign after defeats at Stoke and Spurs and increase competition for places in central midfield, where Charlie Adam, Spearing and Lucas are also in contention. Jordan Henderson's move to the right has taken him out of that traffic jam but Dalglish is likely to consider a new team shape with Gerrard's recovery and Craig Bellamy's excellent form in his second spell on Merseyside.
"It certainly makes us stronger. We said during the transfer window that having Stevie back would be like a new signing for us," Dalglish said. "To have the talisman of the club back on the right road to fitness is, selfishly for us, fantastic, but we have to be careful with him." Party and Politics *



• Jede Party ist politisch, auch ohne Transparente und Flugblätter.

• Politisch ist der Umgang der Leute miteinander: Gemeinschaftlich oder sind alle auf einem Ego-Trip?

• Politisch ist es, wenn alle ehrfürchtig zum DJ hinauf blicken und ihn bejubeln, was immer er auch macht.

• Politisch ist, ob es bei einer Party um die Community geht oder nur um Profit.

• Politisch ist auch das Verhältnis zur Natur bei einem Open-Air: Bleiben Müllberge zurück?

• Politisch sind Partys auf denen in Straßen, Supermärkten und Konzernzentralen für Veränderung getanzt wird.

• Und politisch sind Partys, die sich bewusst Kommerz, Konsum und Kontrolle widersetzen, um dadurch zu einem wirklichen Freiraum zu werden...

- * -


• Every party is political. There needn’t be a banner hanging with a political demand anywhere.

• So, for example, the question of who makes money out of a party is political. Is it a single person that thrives on inflated admission charges? Or is it a group of people that are mainly concerned with a good party?

• Political is the handling of nature at an Open-Air event. Does one strive to use the place sensibly or are there piles of rubbish left behind?

• Political is how people interact with each other at a party. Is it collaborative or an Ego-trip?

• Of course a consciously organized party that becomes a free space and defies the guidelines of commerce and consumption and control is also political.

• Political is as well how drugs are handled on a party.

• For example it is also political if all reverentially look up to the DJ and acclaim whatever he may do.

• Political is more than the question whether a track has political lyrics. Policy is also more than the talk of ministers. Policy is the relationship between us. Policy is our daily action ...

Wolfgang Sterneck

- * -


The annual Forbes 400 list of wealthiest Americans has landed amid heated rhetoric over 'class warfare.' Members saw their net worth ($ 1.53 trillion combined) rise 12 percent in the past year.
The annual Forbes list of wealthiest Americans has landed just in time to throw some extra fuel on a hot political debate over "the rich" and whether their taxes should go up.The top 400 on this "rich list," led by Microsoft founder Bill Gates and investor Warren Buffett, saw their net worth rise 12 percent in the past year (the 12 months ended on Aug. 26).All 400 had net worth of at least $ 1.05 billion, and their combined wealth reached $ 1.53 trillion, Forbes magazine reported as it released the list Wednesday.For comparison, Americans overall have also seen their net worth rise, on average, but with a percentage gain somewhere in the single digits, judging by data tracked by the Federal Reserve.
Skip to next paragraph

The "rich get richer" trend won't necessarily come as a surprise, but it does come as the nation is focusing on a gauntlet thrown down earlier this week by President Obama, as he outlined a proposal for reducing federal deficits."I will veto any bill that changes ... Medicare but does not raise serious revenues by asking the wealthiest Americans or biggest corporations to pay their fair share," Mr. Obama said.His plan calls for raising an extra $ 1.5 trillion in tax revenue during the next decade from households earning more than $ 250,000 in income. Obama mentioned Mr. Buffett as a supporter of such a tax hike. Much of the Nebraska billionaire's income is taxable at the low rate levied on long-term capital gains, leading Obama to say that "Warren Buffett’s secretary shouldn’t pay a higher tax rate than Warren Buffett."Obama's support for such a tax change is not new, nor is the response of Republican opponents. They have blasted Obama and other Democrats for engaging in "class warfare" that seeks to pit the majority of voters against their richest fellow citizens.House Speaker John Boehner called Obama's deficit-reduction proposal "a $ 1.5 trillion tax hike on American job creators," and said it amounted to a "campaign document" rather than a sound fiscal plan.Both parties appear moving increasingly into campaign mode as the 2012 elections come into closer view. Political analysts say Obama is sounding more passionate, and more willing to fight against the firm no-tax-hike line that Republicans have laid down in the deficit debate.A bipartisan "supercommittee" of a dozen lawmakers in Congress has until late November to come up with a plan to reduce future deficits, either through spending cuts alone or with some increased tax revenues added in.The 12 percent gain in net worth for those on the Forbes 400 list may sound surprising, given all the recent weakness in the stock market. But thanks to gains late last year, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose by nearly that much during the 12-month period tracked by the magazine.How have average Americans fared during that time?The answers depend on the circumstances of individuals and families, but Federal Reserve data show overall American wealth to have risen by about $ 4.4 trillion between the second quarter of 2010 and the second quarter of this year. That's about an 8 percent gain, fueled largely by changes in financial assets. (Home prices have fallen during that time, as has household debt.)The Fed data do not allow an exact comparison with the time period in the Forbes report, but by looking at the performance of the stock and housing markets during the August-to-August period, it seems likely that overall American net worth rose by less than 8 percent.But for millions of middle- or lower-income families, their home is a bigger part of their net worth than are financial assets. Meanwhile, ownership of such assets is concentrated in the hands of the wealthiest 20 percent of Americans. For these reasons, any gains in net worth for the typical US family were probably very modest. And according to recently released Census Bureau numbers, the number of Americans living in poverty rose in 2010.

Carryy On Shekhar - Shekhar light hearted take on politics - Episode 16 DEMOfocus on Consumer Technologies, Fall 2011

Sri Rao Rao, Founder & CEO, SenseAide, LLC.

The Launchpad for Emerging Technology.

DEMO Fall 2011 is taking place at the Hyatt in Silicon Valley, CA. Companies both large and small come to DEMO to launch their products to the Technology world. DEMO offers the access, interaction, and validation of the new emerging technologies.

For more information:
DEMO Fall 2010 Website

Follow DEMO on twitter @demo

Social Media presented by New Media Synergy

Photos by Stephen Brashear

Amazon has launched its e-book lending program for libraries, following through on a promise it made earlier this year to offer its Kindle e-book reader to libraries across the country as an alternative way to lend e-books. The program allows users of the Amazon reader — as well as the Kindle app for the iPad and other devices — to borrow books from more than 11,000 public libraries in the U.S. with a single click. The lending program comes on the heels of news that Amazon is also working on a “Netflix for books”-style rental program for electronic books, and together these offerings make it clear that Amazon is stepping up its plans to disrupt the book-publishing industry.
When the news first emerged last week that Amazon was planning a book-rental program similar to what Netflix provides for movies and TV shows (something the company still hasn’t officially confirmed) the response from some book-lovers was concern that such a service might compete with public libraries. As I described in the post I wrote about the news, the same approach that Netflix takes to video content also makes a lot of sense for books: just as Netflix’s streaming service dispenses with the cumbersome physical form that movies and TV shows typically take — and thus makes renting them much more convenient — a rental service like Amazon is said to be planning could do the same for borrowing or renting books.
Partnering with libraries, not competing with them
The obvious fear was that this kind of service would eat into the market that libraries serve since they also effectively rent out books, just as Amazon is planning to do. As a number of commenters on my original post pointed out, many libraries also lend e-books in a number of formats — including the open ePub format — although in many cases there are restrictions on how many copies of a particular book a library will have, how long it can be borrowed for, and so on.
What Amazon seems to be planning is a two-pronged extension of its existing e-book business into the rental market. On the one hand, libraries now get the ability to connect their books to the hugely popular Kindle reader ecosystem, which increases the number of readers they can serve and thereby fulfills the public-service mission that most libraries operate under (users don’t even need an app, since Amazon’s Cloud Reader works in most web browsers). And at the same time, Amazon can also launch the book-rental business that the Wall Street Journal described, as a way to serve a market that either wants access to books that aren’t available through the library system — and/or is willing to pay extra for more convenience and better lending terms.
In a sense, the two programs together (assuming Amazon actually launches the “Netflix for books” idea) could operate as a kind of freemium service: library borrowing is free or relatively low-cost, but doesn’t offer as many options or as much convenience, while the premium program offers access to a wider catalogue and better terms.
Publishers are still reluctant to give up control

One of the biggest flaws in such a program is something Amazon itself doesn’t have much control over, and neither do the libraries that are partnering with it, and that’s the restrictions that book publishers place on their titles when it comes to lending. The ability to lend e-books via the Kindle has existed since Amazon first developed the platform, but many publishers restrict the lending in such draconian ways that many users don’t even bother — and the restrictions on libraries are not much better: HarperCollins forces libraries to pay for new copies after its books have been lent out just 26 times.
As many critics of this approach have pointed out, publishers are essentially trying to duplicate the same kind of control they had over print books with electronic books — and in the case of lending, they are actually trying to assert new controls that they have never had in the past: when you bought a physical book, you were free to sell it or lend it to whomever you wished, but e-books don’t carry the same rights. Google is in the middle of its own war with publishers and authors about what it can do with books: although the web giant argues that scanning them is covered by fair use principles, the book industry argues otherwise, and it is even suing libraries that have partnered with Google.
The bottom line, as we’ve described before at GigaOM, is that the nature of the book and the book industry is changing, just as virtually every other form of physical content — from movies and television to newspapers and magazines — is also being disrupted by the move to digital formats. The book is becoming just another piece of content that can be distributed and consumed in multiple ways. Amazon has been at the forefront of those changes since it was first founded, and both its library-lending program and the rumored Netflix-for-books are signs that it plans to continue pushing that transition forward, whether the publishing industry likes it or not.
Post and thumbnail photos courtesy of Flickr users Marcus Hansson and Marya
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Connected Consumer Q2: Digital music meets the cloud; e-book growth explodes
What media companies can learn from the book industry’s disruption
The state of the e-book lending market: Business models and challenges National Small Business Week Day 1

The U.S. Small Business Administration's National Small Business Week was held in Washington, D.C., marking the 56th anniversary of the agency, and the 46th annual proclamation of National Small Business Week.

More than 100 small business owners from across the country gathered at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel along with keynotes and panels fro leading speakers including Karen Mills,Administrator , U.S. Small Business Administration and Michael Porter
Bishop William Lawrence University Professor,based at Harvard Business School

(cc) Shashi Bellamkonda Social Media Swami Network Solutions If you use this picture please credit as shown.

Investors who hold retail stocks are nervously looking towards the weekend when it is understood High Street giant Tesco will launch a price war among the country’s grocers.Shareholders ordinarily become nervous when the words ‘price war’ are mentioned in such a mature and competitive sector as retailing. They hurt margins and it is unclear whether short-term revenue gains can be held over the long term.But Tesco is no ordinary retailer – it accounts for £1 out of every £7 spent on the High Street. And despite Tesco chief executive Philip Clarke’s comments earlier this summer that some of its UK products are looking tired, it still remains a formidable force.

Asda, owned by US retailer Wal-Mart,
has been price-cutting for a while and market watchers say Tesco has
decided to offer more price cuts to consumers as a way of more clearly
showing the savings inside its stores.Tesco is also seeing its market share squeezed by discount retailers such as Aldi, Lidl, Waitrose and Marks & Spencer (up 1.1p at 336.7p) at the top end.Analysts
at Shore Capital say Tesco seems keen to ‘stimulate mellow UK trading
set against a demonstrably tough UK consumer economy’.

FTSE CLOSE: Stocks fall ahead of US news; BoE gives hope of new stimulus

But any price cuts Tesco does make also have a significant knock-on effect on under pressure grocery delivery business Ocado. Ocado’s
prices match Tesco on 7,400 products, and if it has to lower prices on
hundreds of items, that will hurt its profitability. The business was the biggest faller in the FTSE 250 on these concerns, sinking 13.2p to 102.5p. On
Monday Ocado saw its shares take a 10 per cent hit after it warned of
slower quarterly sales growth in a trading statement. Panmure Gordon
analyst Philip Dorgan said price-cutting by ‘Tesco will hurt Ocado’s
sales numbers for the rest of the year and in future years’.If Tesco does launch a price war, it is likely to cast a large shadow right across the British High Street.       The FTSE 100
slid 75.30 points to 52888.41, as a cautious market noted the latest
minutes from the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee discussed
quantitative easing – boosting the flow of money circulating though the
flagging economy. Though only Adam Posen, of its nine members, thought
this should be done now.In
New York the Dow Jones index fell 36.97 points to 11,371.69, in early
trading as investors waited on a statement from America’s Federal
Reserve, due after the bell, on plans to extend stimulus measures to
boost the US economy in a move known as Operation Twist.‘The
opening of the market in Wall Street was as flat as a pancake,’ said
Hargreaves Lansdown head of equities Richard Hunter. ‘Volumes were not
that high on both sides  of the Atlantic as traders largely sat on 
their hands in advance of the Fed announcement.’Financials bucked the trend as Lloyds Banking Group climbed 1.93p to 36.16p, Royal Bank of Scotland gained 0.29p to 23.38p, and Barclays slipped 1p to 153.25p.UBS
published research which sought to measure companies’ exposure to the
faltering euro. As a result the bank added insurer Aviva to its list of
‘least preferred’ stocks in the sector, due to its ‘significant
exposure’ to the eurozone.‘Aviva
generates over 50 per cent of profits and has circa 45 per cent of
capital invested in the eurozone,’ said UBS analyst James Pearce. Aviva dropped 12.7p to 295p, one of the biggest single fallers on the FTSE 100.Within the same sector, UBS moved Prudential on
to its ‘most preferred’ list,  mentioning ‘its ability to benefit from 
economic expansion in Asia’ as well as its ‘lack of exposure to the
euro’. Prudential rose 3p to 597p.A
range of housebuilders remained solid on news that the MPC is
considering boosting QE, which would lead to further asset purchases.Bellway was boosted 21.5p to 627.5p, Bovis Homes was up 13p to 418.6p, and Taylor Wimpey advanced 1.1p to 34.52p.     After being bolstered by bid talk over the last few weeks, satellite launch company Inmarsat lost 13.3p to 490.2p as the market began to lose faith in a suitor for the firm coming forward.Analysts
from Citigroup warned of regulatory concerns in America and the
uncertain prospects for its core mobile satellite services business. And
Morgan Stanley also downgraded its recommendation to ‘underweight’ from
‘equalweight’, due to concerns about the US side of the business.
Shares in Dillistone closed
flat at 74.5p after the Aim-listed firm that makes specialist software
for recruitment companies bought rival Woodcote Software for £1.89m in
cash and shares.

The London-based business placed
644,445 shares with institutions at 72p to raise £500,000. Dillistone
also posted first-half pre-tax profits up 8 per cent to £551,000, on
strong trading. Its dividend remains at 1.2p. Release Date: 30 April 2010 Genre: Horror Forged: Dieter Laser, Ashley C. Williams, Ashlynn Yennie, Akihiro Kitamura Director: Tom Six Author: Tom 6 Studio: IFC Movies Plot: During a stopover in Germany in the center of a carefree roadtrip by way of Europe, two American women uncover on their own by yourself at night time when their car breaks down in the woods. Browsing for support at a nearby villa, they are wooed into the clutches of a deranged retired surgeon who explains his mad scientific vision to his captives' utter horror. They are to be the topics of his sick lifetime fantasy: to be the initial to link folks, one particular to the next, through their gastric system, and in undertaking so provide to life 'the human centipede'. Subscribe Now: Sangam, a enjoy triangle is a psychologically multifaceted tale about male bonding and the meaning of really like and friendship. Sunder, Gopal and Radha are childhood buddies but Sundar quickly commence preventing the other two�s pleasure and finally also thwarts his personal. We go for an exclusive interviews with Director Stephen Daldry and actor David Kross to discuss about The Reader. For far more movie trailers, movie critiques, superstar interviews, complete videos, clips and much more, go to: Link with other film fans on Facebook Adhere to us on Twitter: Fantastic new trailer for an indie horror/thriller motion picture - From a 1st look it feels a bit like a mix in between "Cabin Fever" and "Red State" - so check out it out! A man who's wife is dying of a mysterious sickness normally requires the law into his own hands right after his daughter witnesses a double homicide and narrowly escapes the grasp of two serial killers... Music by Nathaniel Sutton (Motion picture Trailer Voice In excess of by the great Scott "Scooter" Fortney) Verify out the film's FB web page at Published, Made, & Directed by: Barry J. Gillis Starring: Nigel Hartwell, Kelly AH Bird, Alex Sharpe, Donald A. Morin, John Scott, Toby S. Krekoski, Edwin Autridge, Yunona Anders, Kinga Satora, Barry J. Gillis, and Kim Sønderholm To guarantee a total lucrative time, circus manager Brad Braden engages The Wonderful Sebastian, however this moves his girlfriend Holly from her challenging-won middle trapeze spot. Holly and Sebastian start a harmful 1-upmanship duel in the ring, whilst he pursues her on the ground. Subplots entail the secret previous of Buttons the Clown and the efforts of racketeers to shift in on the game concessions. Let the display begin! Authored by Rod Crawford [IMDB.COM] Release: ten January 1952 Working Time: 152 min Awards: Won 2 Oscars. An additional 3 wins & 4 nominations Producer: Cecil B. DeMille Director: Cecil B. DeMille Writer: Fredric M. Frank, Barré Lyndon, Theodore St. John Forged: Betty Hutton (Holly), Cornel Wilde (The Great Sebastian),Charlton Heston (Brad Braden),Dorothy Lamour (Phyllis) Genre: Drama, Household, Romance Domestic Complete Gross: million [IMDB.COM][BOXOFFICEMOJO.COM] Trailer for horror comedy starring Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, Brian Cox, and Leslie Bibb. Developed by Bryan Singer. Directed by Michael Dougherty. Now obtainable on DVD, Blu-Ray, iTunes, and On Desire. SONIC THE HEDGEHOG IS Copy Proper SEGA/SONIC Group I DO NOT Own SONIC THE HEDGEHOG OR ANY OF ITS Content material. I uploaded these movies so you can easily uncover the sonic hedgehog motion picture and get pleasure from it... no copyright infringement was meant. "The Muppets" In Theaters this Thanksgiving Become a fan on Facebook: Adhere to Statler & Waldorf on Twitter: Check out the Official Web site: When Walter, the world's most significant Muppet fan, and buddies Gary (Jason Segel) and Mary (Amy Adams) discover the nefarious approach of oilman Tex Richman (Chris Cooper) to raze the Muppet Theater, they aid Kermit reunite the Muppets to stage The Greatest Muppet Telethon Ever and elevate the million necessary to preserve the theater. Shel Silverstein
Kid Lit Author Shel Silverstein Comes Back From the Dead to Save Bedtime
shel silverstein
And by classic authors, I mean two of the biggest names in the game: Shel Silverstein and Maurice Sendak. Making things cooler 1929 Marquette Model 34 4-Passenger Sport Roadster (3 of 9)

The Marquette was launched by the Buick Division of General Motors as a sister make in the 1930 model year. In the GM food chain, the Marquette ranked just below Buick and just above Oldsmobile. The Marquette arrived in dealer showrooms on June 1, 1929, and many of the early cars - including the one shown in this photograph - were registered as 1929 models. Six models of the Series 30 (Phaeton, Sport Roadster, Coupe, Business Coupe, 2-Door Sedan, and Four-Door Sedan) were built by Buick during the brief (1929-31) run of the Marquette brand.

Photographed at the McLean County Antique Auto Club Show held on the grounds of the David Davis Mansion in Bloomington, Illinois on August 7, 2010.


You are invited to stay and browse through my stream. Here's a quick index to my little corner of Flickr: DEMOfocus on Consumer Technologies, Fall 2011

Ted W. Larson, CEO & Founder, OLogic, Inc.

The Launchpad for Emerging Technology.

DEMO Fall 2011 is taking place at the Hyatt in Silicon Valley, CA. Companies both large and small come to DEMO to launch their products to the Technology world. DEMO offers the access, interaction, and validation of the new emerging technologies.

For more information:
DEMO Fall 2010 Website

Follow DEMO on twitter @demo

Social Media presented by New Media Synergy

Photos by Stephen Brashear

Is Google evil? Members of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Antitrust, Competition Policy and Consumer Rights tried to decide that today in a hearing on Google’s market power and whether it is beneficial for consumers or not. The end result was that the Senators requested Google make voluntary changes to its search ranking, and tried to keep Google “honest” through tough questions. But while the hearing exposed some questionable results on Google searches — notably product searches — it also exposed a lack of clarity around who Google’s customers are, and a fundamental conflict of cultures between Silicon Valley and Washington, D.C.

Consumer friend or gatekeeping monopolist?
Does Google exist to help consumers find web pages and deliver search results, or is it a monopoly gatekeeper that charges businesses to connect them with online consumers? Who would the government be protecting if it interfered with Google’s market power — and would that serve businesses or consumers? Google’s Chairman Eric Schmidt and Susan A. Creighton, a Partner Wilson Sonsini Goodrich & Rosati, went to great pains to illustrate that consumers could just move from Google to a competing search engine if they didn’t like Google’s results — meaning D.C. need not get involved.
Those who feel that Google acts as a gatekeeper between consumers and businesses on the web were represented by Jeremy Stoppelman of Yelp and Jeff Katz CEO of Nextag Inc. Each explained their firms couldn’t compete or even begin their businesses in today’s search climate because Google is making the entry of web-based companies that provide consumers information so difficult. But I’m not sure I can buy into the gatekeeper idea as a reason for Washington to intervene.
Stoppelman did a great job explaining that he began Yelp in 2004 because he saw a hole in the market. He then outlined how Google played rough with the site in terms of scraping its content after Yelp refused a deal with it. That’s a crappy thing to do, but that’s what lawsuits are for. Check out Skyhook’s lawsuit with Google over location. Yelp wasn’t having its content taken because it was a small business unable to buy lawyers — it was having its content taken because it was a company so successful that Google actually tried to buy it, and Yelp said no. Stoppelman might not see a hole in the market today, but it’s kind of ridiculous to expect any market to stay the same for seven years.

If consumers can switch easily to a new search engine, Congress getting involved makes it seem like we are in danger of becoming a nanny state to protect specific business interests. And that makes me nervous (my colleague Mathew Ingram is also skeptical about the need for an antitrust investigation of Google, arguing that technological innovation has disrupted more monopolies than any government ever has. Indeed, I found it odd watching Senator Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) and Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) ask Schmidt about how its algorithms affect small businesses and what might be done to protect those businesses from changes to Google’s algorithm.
Is part of the problem a clash of cultures?
Schmidt, like any computer scientist, tried to argue that the algorithms do what they are supposed to do. From a computer science view, if an algorithm is fair, then changing to protect a certain class of those affected by it makes it fundamentally unfair to others (something Congress routinely does with exceptions and carve outs when it’s making legislation). In fact, the biggest elephant in the room was a clash of cultures between the Silicon Valley culture of the free market — and using technology to create a better consumer experience — and Washington D.C.’s inherent cynicism and pandering to constituents.
Also, the senators wanted broadband. Both Senators Klobuchar and Chuck Schumer (D-NY) requested Google’s fiber to the home experiment in their states. I don’t blame them, but it was odd to hear Google be castigated for abusing its search advantage (and hearing Senators tie that advantage to its infrastructure and scale earlier in the hearing) while other members of the committee requested services that would enhance Google’s ability to create higher barriers to entry. In the binary world of Silicon Valley that may not make sense, but in D.C. it apparently does.
Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial.
Communications, Platforms, Privacy Ruled NewNet in Q4
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Central bankers yesterday battled to jump-start the flagging recovery amid fears the world is on the brink of a new recession.The US Federal Reserve launched a $ 400bn programme dubbed  Operation Twist to lower long-term borrowing costs and bolster  confidence in America.The move spooked the markets, wiping 283.8 points off the Dow, which closed down 2.5 per cent at 11,124.8.

Showtime: US central bank has launched package to bring down borrowing costs

And the programme came just hours
after the Bank of England gave the clearest signal yet it is ready to
pump more money into the ailing British economy.BoE
chief economist Spencer Dale warned of a ‘pronounced downward spiral’
in the global economy and said the outlook in the UK has ‘weakened quite
dramatic intervention by the Fed and BoE underlined the level of concern
on both sides of the Atlantic about the darkening economic outlook.

Sterling outlook: What next for the pound?

International Monetary Fund this week warned the world has entered ‘a
dangerous new phase’ and that America and Europe are at risk of tipping
back into recession.In a bleak World Economic Outlook, the Washington-based Fund slashed US growth forecasts for this year from 2.5 per cent to 1.5 per cent, the eurozone from 2 per cent to 1.6 per cent, and the UK from 1.5 per cent to 1.1 per cent.The
Fed, led by chairman Ben Bernanke, responded last night by outlining
plans to sell $ 400bn of shorter-term government debt to fund the
purchase of longer-term bonds.It
is hoped the operation – dubbed Twist after it was first tried in 1961
when Chubby Checker’s cover version of The Twist was a hit – will lower
long-term borrowing costs for households and businesses. The Fed also
said it will step into the fractured mortgage market.‘There are significant downside risks to the economic outlook, including strains in global financial markets,’ the Fed said.It reiterated its pledge to keep interest rates ‘near zero’ until at least mid-2013 as long as unemployment remains high.The Fed cut rates to between zero and 0.25 per cent in December 2008 and has since pumped $ 2.3trillion into the US economy through quantitative easing.Economists
now expect the BoE to take action to stimulate the British economy with
another round of QE of its own. It injected £200bn into the UK economy
between March 2009 and January 2010 by snapping up government bonds.Minutes
from the September meeting of the Monetary Policy Committee showed just
one member – arch-dove Adam Posen – voted for further QE this month.But
for ‘most’ of the remaining eight the decision was ‘finely balanced’
and ‘the weakness and stresses of the past month had significantly
strengthened the case for an immediate resumption of asset purchases’.
The minutes said: ‘For some members, a continuation of the conditions
seen over the past month would probably be sufficient to justify an
expansion of the asset purchase programme at a subsequent meeting.’The
pound tumbled against the euro and the dollar as traders bet further QE
is on its way – possibly as much as £100bn starting as soon as next
month.Dale, who started
voting for rate hikes in February but reversed his position in August,
said he was prepared to vote for more QE to stave off recession. ‘If the
economic situation continues to deteriorate, some additional loosening
in monetary policy might be needed,’ he said.‘The deterioration in the outlook largely reflects developments outside our shores. Growth in the world economy has slowed.‘Concerns
about the fiscal positions of some countries have intensified. This in
turn has fuelled worries about the resilience of the international
banking system.‘These factors have fed on each other, leading to a pronounced downward spiral. The UK has been caught in the fallout.’ Lala, a teenager from the most exclusive suburban neighborhood in Argentina is in really like with the Guayi, the 20-yr-aged Payaguayan maid functioning at her spot. They dream of living collectively in Paraguay, at the shores of lake Ypoá. Robbing each and every purse and wallet in the residence to fulfill their dream, hiding the cash in a shoe box. But when the box is total, it bursts, fueled by need, jealousy and rage. This is the beginning level that spurs the escape by means of the highway that connects the North of Buenos Aires with Paraguay. Even though Lala waits to be reunited with her lover in Ypoá by reconstructing her previous (the mystery surrounding her pregnancy and the legend of a fish youngster who guides the drowned to the bottom of the lake), the Guayi is detained in a minors institute in the outskirts of Buenos Aires. She turns out to be hiding a crime from long back. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED 2009 Wolfe Video clip We go 1-on-one with star Robert Pattinson to discuss about his latest movie, Remember Me. For more motion picture trailers, movie opinions, superstar interviews, total motion pictures, clips and more, go to: Link with other film supporters on Facebook Stick to us on Twitter: Launched ten February 2012 - Primarily based on the classic ghost story, THE Woman IN BLACK tells the tale of Arthur Kipps (Daniel Radcliffe), a lawyer who is compelled to leave his younger son and journey to a remote village to enroll in to the affairs of the lately deceased operator of Eel Marsh Property. Functioning alone in the aged mansion, Kipps begins to uncover the town's tragic and tortured tricks and his fears escalate when he discovers that regional young children have been dying below mysterious situations. When individuals closest to him become threatened by the vengeful lady in black, Kipps ought to discover a way to break the routine of terror. THE Female IN BLACK also stars Ciaran Hinds (TINKER, TAILOR, SOLDIER, SPY) and Janet McTeer (TUMBLEWEEDS), was adapted from Susan Hill's novel for the screen by Jane Goldman (KICK ASS) and directed by James Watkins (EDEN LAKE). Badhai Ho Badhai - 2002 - With English Subtitles. From the property of Mukta Arts, Directed by Satish Kaushik, New music composed by Anu Malik, Producer by Subhash Ghai. Forged: Anil Kapoor, Kirti Reddy, Shilpa Shetty Anang Desai, Rohini Hattangadi, Vinan Jain, Farida Jalal, Kader Khan, Mushtaq Khan, Suresh Menon, Govind Namdeo, Hemant Pandey, Amrish Puri. Synopsis: Badhai Ho Badhai is a family members drama about two family members, a single Hindu and the other Catholic. They have been buddies forever, but this friendship goes kaput when the Hindu lady elopes with the Catholic boy, leaving the two family members bitter with hatred for each other. 27 decades later on a quite loveable gentleman, Raja who requires the process at hand and pretends to be the grandchild of the two feuding families, lands in their neighborhood to make positive that they bury the hatchet and in turn producing items easy for the girl he harbors emotions for. However, almost everything goes awry when the real grandchild turns up just when everyone falls for Rajas tale adding the very last twist in the tale. Catch this fascinating drama to uncover the twist! Click on on to observe entire duration Bollywood movies definitely Free of charge!! DREADCENTRAL.COM video clip about the creating of the pretend-trailers in Grindhouse. So negative. Soooo lousy. 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Issa Hayatou, the president of the Confederation of African Football, has denied allegations that he took kickbacks. Photograph: Fethi Belaid/AFP/Getty Images

Football's under-fire world governing body has executed a bizarre U-turn amid criticism over the appointment of Issa Hayatou to oversee the London 2012 football tournament at a time when he is under investigation by the International Olympic Committee for alleged corruption.
An announcement on the website of the Confederation of African Football on Tuesday read: "CAF president Issa Hayatou has been appointed by world soccer governing body, Fifa, as chairman of the organising committee for the Olympic football tournaments and the Fifa Goal bureau."
It is believed that Fifa also confirmed to journalists who made inquiries on the same day that he had been appointed to chair both committees. It seems Hayatou's name also appeared on Fifa's own website. But late on Wednesday, in the face of mounting criticism over the appointment, it issued a new, opaque, statement.
"Due to a technical error, appointments for Fifa standing committees have appeared on the Fifa website. The appointments for the chairman and deputy chairman of the Fifa standing committees will be communicated in due course," it said.
"Therefore, Issa Hayatou has not been appointed as chairman of the organising committee for the Olympic football tournaments."
An IOC spokesman confirmed that Hayatou, who has been on Fifa's ruling executive committee and president of the Confederation of African Football for more than two decades, remained under investigation by its independent ethics commission over corruption allegations.
"The ethics commission is independent but my understanding is that the investigation is still continuing," he said. It is believed that the IOC's ethics commission will come to a decision within weeks, which is then likely to be discussed by the IOC's executive board in December.
Coincidentally Fifa officials were on Wednesday in Cardiff as part of a fact-finding mission for the Olympic tournament next summer.
Hayatou would have replaced South Korea's Chung Mong-joon as head of the Olympic committee. It is believed that the Cameroonian will not now be appointed to chair the committee. Insiders claimed that his name circulated on internal memos as a possible chairman for the committee but that his appointment was never approved and that the announcement was a mistake.
A BBC Panorama documentary, broadcast on the eve of the 2018 and 2022 World Cup votes last December, alleged that Hayatou was listed as one of those who received kickbacks from the sports marketing company ISL.
Fifa refused to open a new investigation into the affair, during which it has been alleged bribes of $ 100m (£64m) were paid over a 10-year period. Hayatou had never previously been named in connection with the affair but appeared on a list of 175 payments obtained by the BBC.
Hayatou immediately denied the allegations, saying the 100,000 French francs he was alleged to have received in 1995 was a contribution to CAF's 40th birthday celebrations.
"The IOC has taken note of the allegations made by BBC Panorama and will ask the programme makers to pass on any evidence they may have to the appropriate authorities," the IOC said at the time. "The IOC has zero tolerance against corruption and will refer the matter to the IOC ethics commission."
As well as Hayatou, his fellow IOC member and Fifa honorary president João Havelange is also under investigation. The BBC has co-operated with the investigation, sharing its material with the IOC.
Hayatou was also last year named, alongside his fellow Fifa executive committee member Jacques Anouma, by a parliamentary select committee as having received a $ 1.5m bribe from Qatar's 2022 World Cup bid. Qatar and the two Fifa executives strongly denied the allegations and the whistleblower who made them later said she was motivated by malice and had made them up. The sports minister, Hugh Robertson, said on Wednesday: "I'm less concerned by the individuals involved and more by the bigger issue of when Fifa is going to reform. As I've said on countless occasions it needs much greater transparency and accountability before it can legitimately fulfil its role as an international federation."
Mohamed bin Hammam, the challenger to Sepp Blatter for the Fifa presidency, was accused of paying bribes in the chaotic and rancorous run-up to the Fifa election in June and has been banned for life. He denies the claims and has vowed to take the case to the court of arbitration for sport.
Jack Warner, the controversial Fifa vice-president who faced myriad corruption allegations, resigned from the governing body in June this year and the cases against him were closed. Fifa is also investigating 16 Caribbean officials for allegedly accepting $ 40,000 cash payments and has warned that more cases could follow.
Blatter has promised to unveil a "road map" to reform and reveal more details of his so-called "council of the wise" that will oversee a series of reforms at the next Fifa executive committee meeting on 22 and 23 October. But there is still widespread scepticism over whether the 75-year-old, who has insisted his latest four-year mandate will be his last, can oversee meaningful reform of the organisation. Nagar Darpane was launched on 1975 Bengali movie starring Kabari Basu, Chhaya Debi, Supriya Debi Uttam kumar Gurudas Banerjee, Biplab Chatterjee, Haradhan Banerjee, Dilip Mukherjee The Bengali movie is Directed by Jatrik Audio Nachiketa Ghose scored the songs in the film Bobbili Raja is a 1990 Telugu Motion picture starring Venkatesh, Divya Bharati, Vanishree, Satyanarayana, Gummadi, Babu Mohan, Brahmanandam, Kota Srinivas Rao. Audio by Ilayaraja. Rajeshwari (Vanishree) is a quite effective politician. Rajalakshmi is in love with Rajeshwari's brother Surya and is pregnant carrying Surya's little one. Rajeshwari is towards this relation. Surya will get unintentionally killed by Annaya Annaya manages to set the blame of the murder on Rajalakshmi. Rajeshwari to take revenge gets Rajalakshmi arrested. Rajalakshmi alongside with her father escape and goes into hiding. Years later on Rajalakakshmi's son Raja (Venkatesh) and Rajeshwari's daughter Rani (Divya Bharati) meet and fall in love. What will be the fate of their love? Will their love be able to finish the enmity in between the two loved ones or will it be sacrificed at the alter of Rajeshwari's ego. Click to observe the best of Telugu films, songs, scenes, trailers, Television exhibits etc. DEMOfocus on Consumer Technologies, Fall 2011

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Get ready to look up your cable subscription credentials when Google TV launches a new version later this year: Turner will be launching new apps for TBS and TNT that will offer access to full-length episodes of TBS and TNT shows, as long as users log in and prove that they are pay TV subscribers. But while this type of TV Everywhere pay wall could help ease the relations between TV networks and Google, it could also disappoint consumers.
The TBS and TNT apps for Google TV made a brief appearance on the Android Market last week, but have been taken down since. Screenshots of the apps show an option for users to sign in with their pay TV credentials, with Suddenlink highlighted as one of the participating pay TV operators.

A screenshot of the upcoming TNT app for Google TV clearly shows pay TV authentication as a way to access full episodes on the device. The app was briefly on the Android Market, but has since been removed.

The pay TV authentication featured in these apps seems to mirror what TBS and TNT are offering on the web as well as through their iPad and iPhone apps. The networks both offer pay TV subscribers access to full episodes the day after they air on TV and the ability to play episodes from an extended catalog. A Turner spokesperson confirmed that the TNT and TBS apps for Google TV will offer authentication for pay TV customers, but didn’t provide any details about when these apps will be officially made available. A Google spokesperson sent us the following statement via email:

“While we won’t comment on the specifics of a product that hasn’t launched, we do believe that authentication can bring more content to users and the HBOGo app demonstrates this. We hope and expect that the authentication option will continue to be popular on the Google TV platform for both Web and Android apps.”

Google TV wasn’t exactly embraced by TV networks when it launched about a year ago. Virtually all broadcasters and most cable channels blocked Google TV users from accessing catch-up episodes online for fear that Google TV owners would drop their cable subscriptions. One of the lone exceptions was Turner, whose web apps for Google TV have featured short clips from its programming on the platform. Google TV has also offered HBO content to viewers that could authenticate themselves as subscribers of the premium cable network through a dedicated HBO Go app.
Google is expected to launch the next version of Google TV within the coming weeks. The second iteration of the platform will be based on Android 3.1 (a.k.a. Honeycomb) and have access to the Android Market. Dedicated apps as well as authentication features could possibly convince other TV networks to embrace the platform as well, but it’s unclear how this would be received by consumers.
Google executives have been struggling with the perception that Google TV is meant to replace traditional pay TV services. Tying the platform closer to pay TV subscriptions could help to mend relations with networks, but it might also go counter to what some consumers have been expecting when buying these devices.
Consumer interest in Google TV has been weak until recently, which forced Logitech to slash the price of its revue set-top box from $ 250 to $ 99 in July. Interest seems to have picked up since, and the Revue even made a brief appearance in Amazon’s list of the ten best-selling gadgets last month.
Related research and analysis from GigaOM Pro:Subscriber content. Sign up for a free trial.
Why HBO’s TV Everywhere Economics Don’t Make Sense
Connected Consumer Q1: The Over-the-Top vs. Pay TV Battle Heats Up
Connected Consumer 2011: What Not to Expect

CARACAS -(Dow Jones)- Venezuela is negotiating a settlement in its arbitration case with Exxon Mobil Corp. (XOM) in which the government may pay the U.S. oil major around $ 6 billion, a Venezuelan official told Dow Jones Newswires Wednesday. The government of socialist President Hugo Chavez is still in talks with Exxon for assets seized during a nationalization campaign in 2007, Prosecutor General Carlos Escarra said in a phone interview. "The state knows that it has to pay and settle the expropriations," he said, adding that officials from both parties are still evaluating a final settlement. A spokesman at Exxon declined comment on the news. Last year, Exxon cut its claim against Venezuela to $ 7 billion from the initial $ 12 billion that the company had asked for its crude oil project. The settlement amount offered by Escarra is considerably higher than the $ 2.5 billion total that state oil monopoly Petroleos de Venezuela, or PdVSA, earlier this year said it was willing to pay Exxon and ConocoPhillips (COP), which also had property seized nearly four years ago. PdVSA officials have said that they expect decisions in the Exxon and ConocoPhillips cases this year. In April, officials at Conoco said, however, that they are still years away from receiving compensation as appeals could drag the decision for a long time. Venezuela has 17 cases pending in front of the International Centre for Settlement and Investment Disputes, according to a list of ongoing cases on the ICSID website. Like: Pal: CD: Megamind (Music From The Motion Photo) Different Artists and Unique New music by Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe 1 : Big Blue Head - Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe 00:00 - 00:30 2 :Tightenville - Hans Zimmer and Lorne Balfe 00:thirty -01:00 three : Poor To The Bone Private High musical is a Red Ban first internet sequence developed by Taryn Southern - To adhere to Taryn on Twitter, go to: For other video clips from Taryn, check out: To turn out to be Taryn's enthusiast Facebook: ABOUT THE Sequence: Its senior 12 months and theres a new student at Personal Higher virginal Sandra Smith. Now, these frisky teens have to educate Sandra how to get laidbut even now survive all the trappings of large school from durations and pregnancy to pot and STDs. Developed by and starring Taryn Southern. Non-public Large Musical is a Red Band Industries authentic. Occur examine us out at by Commence finding out about how LA Noire plays with the first part in a series of gameplay trailers. In 'Orientation,' we find out about the game's core mechanics, which includes looking for clues, interrogating witnesses, driving, brawling and shootouts. Rockstar Games new videogame LA Noire, a following era crime thriller developed by Staff Bondi for PS3 and Xbox 360. Scheduled for May 17, 2011, LA Noire is an interactive detective story set in the traditional noir period of time of the late 1940's. The recreation draws players into an open-ended problem to remedy a collection of gruesome murders. PRE-Buy "LA Noire" Right now: LA Noire - Gameplay Sequence Part one: Orientation (2011) | Hd Developer: Group Bondi Release Date: May possibly 17, 2011 Genre: Action, Journey Platform: Xbox 360, PS3 Publisher: Rockstar Games Internet site: ESRB: RP Adhere to XboxViewTV on Twitter TAGS: "la noire" gameplay video crime thriller detective action "rockstar video games" "xbox 360" "playstation three" "los angeles" trailer 2011 "video sport" "xbox 360" spiel official in-recreation footage 1940 story preview journey sony playstation ps3 crew bondi motionscan microsoft gaming consoles xboxviewtv yt:quality=high Dadt
Impact of End to 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
As of 12:01 am this morning, we have the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell." ERIC HOLDER, US ATTORNEY GENERAL: We will be pressing for the closure of the facility between now and then. And after that election, we will try to close it, as well. ...

Queer News Updates

Article by Gene Lalor
An occasional series on what the homosexual community is up to: DADT Survey Boycott: It's no secret that the military considers the repeal of Bill Clinton's Don't Ask, Don't Tell (DADT) policy toward gays in the military to be the worst idea to come down the pike since women were allowed in combat.With a few notable exceptions, such as Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff who endorsed the idea with the caveat that policy changes should be contingent on military review, our armed services consider repeal of DADT would be detrimental to their mission, morale, and effectiveness.DADT simply restricts superior officers from investigating or asking if service members are gay and restricts gay service members from advertising that fact.Both before and after the last election, Barack Obama pledged to repeal DADT and allow homosexuals to serve openly and has been vigorously agitating for that repeal to fulfill that pledge to a major constituency. Such repeal would be a political and social change visited on the military without regard for its consequences.In an effort to complete Admiral Mullins' policy review on those consequences, Defense Secretary Robert Gates has authorized a survey on the thoughts of service members on the issue. Having already surveyed the families of service members on their thoughts, Gates felt it reasonable to consult the 400,000 random opinions of those who would be forced to serve next to outed gays.The survey forms had barely hit the mailboxes when a homosexual group, the Servicemembers Legal Defense Network, called it biased and instructed gays not to participate for fear of being outed saying, "At this time SLDN cannot recommend that lesbian, gay, or bisexual service members participate in any survey being administered by the Department of Defense, the Pentagon Working Group or any third-party contractors:" reasoning is obvious. They want to discredit a survey that asks straightforward answers to questions such as: "If Don't Ask, Don't tell is repealed and you are working with a Service member in your immediate unit who has said he or she is gay or lesbian, how would that affect your own ability to fulfill your mission during combat?" SLDN and any thinking individual already knows the answer and that answer isn't positive. Schools Promote Aberrations: When you send your kids to school, what do you expect?After all, you pay your taxes which largely consist of school taxes and you should expect that your child's school is engaged in teaching reading, writing, and arithmetic or advanced classes in those subjects depending on your kid's age and grade.Just be happy you don't live in the Bay State, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the home of the most powerful homosexual in America, Rep. Barney Frank, representing the 4th CD. The only rational way to explain Massachusetts' sinking into the muck and mire of homosexual license is the undue influence of the much-tainted Barney.What most parents don't expect when they send kids off to school is detailed instruction on how to engage in homosexual encounters, explicit instructions on anal sex, the proper use of condoms in anal sex, preferred lubricants, etc.Yet those instructions are being provided by the tax-supported Massachusetts GLBT (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgendered) to both high school and middle school kids and its subsidiary, BAGLY, the Boston Alliance for Gay, Lesbian, (Transgendered) Youth. The "T' somehow got, has been campaigning for years against the insidious intrusion into Massachusetts schools and society of homosexual influences, teachers, and administrators.It's been a losing battle."BAGLY is a hard-core homosexual/transgender activist group that not only goes into the public schools, but entices schoolchildren as young as middle-school age to attend off-campus homosexual and transgender activities across the state. Many of these events are with bizarre adults, such as men wearing women's clothes, middle-aged men involved with sado-machosism, etc:" those who think that's hyperbolic, do see previous posts on this site. The point is, however revolting it is to think about, gays and other twisted people are after your children. Dismiss that statement at the peril of your kids. NBC Goes Gay: Meanwhile, in a continuing homosexual intrusion into normal American life, NBC has obsequiously bowed to gay agitators. NBC's "Today" show has made a major accommodation for the homosexual segment of its audience. "NBC said it had listened to voicemails and read e-mails protesting its decision not to allow same-sex marriages. The show considers relations with the gay and lesbian community very important, it said in a statement:" called sucking up so that the NBC studios won't be picketed by BAGLY or by LGBT groups.But isn't it so special, though! " 'Today' viewers will decide which couple to get married on TV, it will choose from among four that 'Today' producers screen and put up for a vote."I'm willing to bet dollars to donuts that the "gay" couple wins. It's P.C. The next thing NBC and "Today" may televise may be a wedding between a chimp and a transvestite.

DADT repeal celebrations underway Party and Politics *



• Jede Party ist politisch, auch ohne Transparente und Flugblätter.

• Politisch ist der Umgang der Leute miteinander: Gemeinschaftlich oder sind alle auf einem Ego-Trip?

• Politisch ist es, wenn alle ehrfürchtig zum DJ hinauf blicken und ihn bejubeln, was immer er auch macht.

• Politisch ist, ob es bei einer Party um die Community geht oder nur um Profit.

• Politisch ist auch das Verhältnis zur Natur bei einem Open-Air: Bleiben Müllberge zurück?

• Politisch sind Partys auf denen in Straßen, Supermärkten und Konzernzentralen für Veränderung getanzt wird.

• Und politisch sind Partys, die sich bewusst Kommerz, Konsum und Kontrolle widersetzen, um dadurch zu einem wirklichen Freiraum zu werden...

- * -


• Every party is political. There needn’t be a banner hanging with a political demand anywhere.

• So, for example, the question of who makes money out of a party is political. Is it a single person that thrives on inflated admission charges? Or is it a group of people that are mainly concerned with a good party?

• Political is the handling of nature at an Open-Air event. Does one strive to use the place sensibly or are there piles of rubbish left behind?

• Political is how people interact with each other at a party. Is it collaborative or an Ego-trip?

• Of course a consciously organized party that becomes a free space and defies the guidelines of commerce and consumption and control is also political.

• Political is as well how drugs are handled on a party.

• For example it is also political if all reverentially look up to the DJ and acclaim whatever he may do.

• Political is more than the question whether a track has political lyrics. Policy is also more than the talk of ministers. Policy is the relationship between us. Policy is our daily action ...

Wolfgang Sterneck

- * -


At a breakfast Wednesday sponsored by the Monitor, Ron Paul was clearly appreciative of the publicity that comedian Jon Stewart has been providing his campaign for president.
Ron Paul’s got something to say to Jon Stewart. Two words, in fact: “thank you.”
Skip to next paragraph

OK, Representative Paul didn’t use that phrase exactly, but at a Wednesday breakfast sponsored by the Monitor, he was clearly appreciative of all the publicity that the famous Comedy Central host has been providing his campaign for president.
Asked how he was getting his message out through a skeptical media, Paul made a few generic remarks, then said, unbidden, “I think another person that’s sort of made my case ... is Jon Stewart. I mean, how could anything be more dramatic than what Jon Stewart did?”

What’s Mr. Stewart done, you say? We’re glad you asked! In recent weeks, boosting up Paul has become something of a recurring “Daily Show” subject.
This kicked off last month when Stewart complained that Paul had finished second in the Ames, Iowa, GOP straw poll, yet the media almost entirely ignored him afterward.
“How did libertarian Ron Paul become the 13th floor in a hotel?” Stewart said at the time.
Then, earlier this month, Stewart noted that at one point during the GOP debate at the Ronald Reagan library in Simi Valley, Calif., Paul said that a barbed-wire fence between the United States and Mexico was un-American, and he implied that it might eventually be used to keep Americans in, instead of illegal immigrants out.
“I’m telling you, this is why we need this guy in the race! He is the only guy in any political party who realizes that at some point we might want to sneak into Mexico,” said Stewart.
And in a long interview published in the current issue of Rolling Stone magazine, Stewart notes as an aside that it would be impossible to produce a video of Paul contradicting himself on issues – something the “Daily Show” staff routinely produces for many other politicians.
“[Paul’s] been consistent over the years,” Stewart said. “You may disagree with him, but at least you can respect that the guy has a belief system he’s engaged in and will defend.”
Let’s be clear here: Stewart has also said he’s not sure Paul should be president. Still, taken together, his statements make it sound like he’s got something of a political crush on the septuagenarian anti-intervention gold bug from Texas.
Even if Stewart’s kind of making fun of Paul at the same time.
“People say, 'Oh, that’s just the fun [the media] play with candidates, and this is how we direct things.' But [Stewart] really made our case,” said Paul at Wednesday’s Monitor breakfast.
Which leads us to one last point. You know how Paul could actually win?
That’s right. Run as a ticket. Paul for president, and Stewart for VP. And they could promise to make Stephen Colbert the White House spokesman.

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The U.S. Small Business Administration's National Small Business Week was held in Washington, D.C., marking the 56th anniversary of the agency, and the 46th annual proclamation of National Small Business Week.

More than 100 small business owners from across the country gathered at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel along with keynotes and panels fro leading speakers including Karen Mills,Administrator , U.S. Small Business Administration and Michael Porter
Bishop William Lawrence University Professor,based at Harvard Business School

(cc) Shashi Bellamkonda Social Media Swami Network Solutions If you use this picture please credit as shown.

Tesco Bank’s long-awaited move into the mortgage lending market is set to be delayed until after the busy Christmas trading season.The supermarket giant was due to offer its first home loans this autumn but its entry is not now expected until early 2012, according to sources cited by Press Association. They suggest the company wants to ensure its systems work properly after online savers were locked out of their accounts in June. Thousands of This is Money readers were in uproar after being locked out of their online savings accounts for a prolonged period in June– and Tesco is keen to avoid a similar disaster.

Mortgage delay: Tesco bank is set to delay the launch of its mortgage products
The company is also reported to be focusing on Christmas trading, amid rumours new chief executive Philip Clarke will trigger a supermarket price war next week with a new offensive to kick-start sales.Tesco is expected to shift the grocery battleground from special offers, which have become increasingly common since the recession, on to everyday low pricing and greater rewards through its Clubcard loyalty scheme.Its fledgling banking arm is expected to provide heavyweight competition to the existing players when it starts offering mortgages, current accounts and credit cards.

First Tesco Bank savers get refunds as supermarket apologises for four-day lock-out

Tesco Bank savers suffer FOURTH day locked out of online bank accounts as crisis drags on

But Tesco is still testing its systems to make sure there are no technical problems. Earlier this year, savers were locked out of their accounts after a new IT system was installed.And the Cheshunt-based chain is still waiting for approval from the Financial Services Authority to launch products, such as mortgages and credit cards.Matthew Truman, an analyst at JP Morgan Cazenove, said Tesco ‘is very close’ to being able to launch new products, but they are more likely to be in early 2012.He added: ‘Mr Clarke will likely hold off launching a push on credit cards and new products such as mortgages until he is entirely comfortable that the Tesco brand will not be tarnished by any future problems with the systems.’A Tesco Bank spokesman said: ‘We are in the advanced stages of the regulatory process and will be in position to provide details of the launch soon.’Meanwhile, Tesco is rumoured to be plotting a significant price offensive as it looks to stem recent losses in grocery market share amid strong competition from discounters Lidl and Aldi.Asda has upped the stakes in the supermarket pricing war this year with a scheme that sees it guarantee to be 10 per cent cheaper than its rivals while Ocado and Waitrose have matched their prices with Tesco's. Sainsbury's is also trialling a price matching scheme in Northern Ireland.Many of Tesco's price initiatives in recent years have been based around offering more rewards through its Clubcard loyalty scheme, which it claims gives it a unique point of difference over its competitors. In theaters this winter. Till The Light Requires Us tells the tale of black metal. Component new music scene and part cultural uprising, black metal rose to throughout the world notoriety in the mid-nineties when a rash of suicides, murders, and church burnings accompanied the explosive artistic expansion and output of a audio scene that would permanently redefine what hefty metal is and what it stands for to other musicians, artists and audio supporters globe-extensive. Until The Light Takes Us goes at the rear of the extremely sensationalized media reviews of "Satanists working amok in Europe" to study the sophisticated and largely misunderstood ideas and beliefs that led to this rebellion in opposition to equally Christianity and modern day way of life. To capture this on movie, directors Aaron Aites and Audrey Ewell moved to Norway and lived with the musicians for several a long time, building relationships that allowed them to create a astonishingly intimate portrait of this violent, but in the end misunderstood, motion. The end result is a poignant, shifting tale thats as significantly about the idea that truth is composed of what ever the most men and women believe, regardless of whats in fact correct, as it is about a music scene that blazed a path of murder and arson across the northern sky by Trailer for "GORIEST Anime Scenes" demonstrate that you can watch on my channel IF YOU LIKE VIOLENT ANIME AND Awesome New music You happen to be Always WELCOMED AT MY CHANNEL! SUBSCRIBE ) ***Important Ought to Examine*** Element one Part 3 I reveal the list of the top 10 comedy motion pictures 2010/2011 like trailers. This is the list of movies six-two so stay tuned for amount 1!!! (This time in Hd! :D) thanks for watching What is songs? Present day prime artists, actors, and scholars grapple with the query in this cinematic appear at a uniquely human obsession. The Coronary heart is a Drum Device is a new attribute documentary movie undertaking from the producers of Moog. MPAA Rating: NOTRATED Lightyear Enjoyment The very first trailer for the predicted motion picture based mostly on the guide by very best selling authors Ted Dekker and Frank Peretti. From the director of Independence Day and The Day Following Tomorrow, the pre-historic epic 10000 BC unveils a new day of journey, a time when mammoths shake the earth and mystical spirits form human fates. 10000 BC is an eye-filling tale of the initial hero, young hunter D'Leh who sets out on a bold trek to rescue his kidnapped beloved and fulfill his prophetic destiny. He faces an great saber-toothed tiger, crosses uncharted realms, varieties an army, and uncovers an superior but corrupt Misplaced Civilization. There, he leads a combat for liberation Steve O
Steve-O Breaks His Nose
steve o
At the Comedy Central Roast of Charlie Sheen.

Steve Wozniak: Will He Survive Dancing With the Stars the Results?

Steve Wozniak scored an embarassingly low score of 12 from the Dancing With the Stars judges for his performance of the Argentine Tango. He did improve slightly as Steve's score the previous week on Dancing With the Stars was a 10. I don't think that Steve Wozniak impresses the Dancing With the Stars judges very much.

The Dancing With the Stars judges were pretty hard on Steve Wozniak, not only with their scoring, but with their comments as well. Carrie Ann Inaba gave Steve a 4 stated that "Your the ultimate underdog." Then she stuttered around searching for a comment. "I am trying to find something positive to say." Len Goodman gave Steve Wozniak a 4 and commented, "Well done for coming out and attempting a proper Tango." Bruno Tonioli scored Steve a 4 and stated, "We love you but...this really stunk!", to which Steve Wozniak replied, "I have three words for you Bruno, I'm still standing!". My question is: Will Steve Wozniak still be standing after tonight's Dancing With the Stars the Results show?Steve Wozniak is definitely not a dancer as his scores on Dancing With the Stars reflect. Steve does have a big fan base however. This is the only reason that he is still competing on Dancing With the Stars. Those fans really saved Steve Wozniak from certain deletion from the Dancing With the Stars cast by their calling, texting and emailing their votes to keep him in the competition. Votes from the Dancing With the Stars fans count toward 50% of Steve's overall total score.Will this score received from Steves fans be enough to keep Steve Wozniak dancing after tonight's Dancing With the Stars the Results show? You can bet I will be watching to find out! You can tune in as well to Dancing With the Stars the Results on ABC at 7:00 p.m. Central. Check your local listings for the time in your area.
Sources:ABC's Dancing With the Stars

Steve-O: Charlie Sheen Roast Steve O
Steve-O Gets Broken Nose from Mike Tyson at Sheen Roast [VIDEO]
steve o
By IBTimes Staff Reporter | September 20, 2011 5:47 PM EDT "Jackass" star Steve-O received a broken nose from Mike Tyson after running into his fist in one of a series of ridiculous events at the Charlie Sheen roast Monday night. Steve-O intentionally ...

Steve-O breaks nose on Mike Tyson's fist - ORIGINAL

MELBOURNE -(Dow Jones)- BHP Billiton Ltd.'s (BHP) chairman has cautioned countries reviewing tax regimes amid a boom in demand for commodities against damaging the competitiveness of resources companies. Jacques Nasser in BHP's annual report released Wednesday said the Anglo-Australian mining giant paid US$ 12.3 billion in taxes and royalties to governments in the last financial year. "While we recognize it is appropriate for countries to periodically review tax law, we also believe any change should ensure the resources sector remains globally competitive," he said. Nasser said the industry's ongoing investment in jobs, skills, growth and other areas of the economy should be recognized. A number of countries around the world are considering changes in taxes or royalty payments on mined metals and minerals to grab a bigger chunk of booming profits, driven in large part by demand for iron ore, steelmaking coal and other commodities in China and other industrializing nations. Peru's government has presented a bill to congress that would introduce a new royalties system and windfall profits tax. Australia will impose a 30% tax on iron ore and coal from next year, while two states in the country have proposed increasing mining royalties. BHP recorded a record net profit of US$ 23.65 billion in the year to June 30, up 86% on the prior year. Copyright © 2011 Dow Jones Newswires
Reporting from Las Vegas — Billy Hunter, the executive director of the National Basketball Players Assn., emerged last week from a meeting with one-tenth of his 400-plus locked out players.With NBA owners pushing hard on the idea they need to significantly slash payroll and institute a hard salary cap as a response to their claim 23 of 30 teams are losing money, Hunter's players appear headed to a fall — and perhaps winter — without paychecks.Player unity, then, is a crucial element of avoiding a salary free fall. After the session with players — who have already agreed to trim their share of basketball-related income from 57% to 53% — Hunter declared, "We dispelled the notion that the players aren't together."How do you know that?"By the fact that they're standing here behind me now and what was said in that room. We know the owners are dug in . . . they've seen what has happened in hockey; that you can break the will of the players. We spent three years preparing these guys for this. I'm convinced they'll hang in there, that they'll stay the course for the year if that's what it takes."So, the players have saved money for a lockout fund?"I haven't heard one guy yet say anything about their financial strain. They say they're prepared. Plus, we know the league has to return 8% of last year's salaries from an escrow fund for coming in lower than the [2010-11 salary] cap. That's another $ 26 million to the guys to help them if the paychecks don't start coming Nov. 16."What would you define as the biggest holdup to an agreement?"The system. The players are insistent there be no hard salary cap. If they [owners] keep pushing for the type of salary cap they've indicated, we'll give up any percentage to share in the league's future growth. We've already said we won't accept that proposal they've given."Several of your players are multimillionaires who aren't exposed to the physical rigors other athletes are. If the fans are going to start choosing sides, why should they support the players?"We have some of the same issues now that so many individuals in this country experience. Of course, the difference is the pay scale. But the system we operate under is pay for performance. These players are the widgets. They're replaceable. They face competition for their jobs. They do endure injuries, their bodies take a toll. The back end of some of their lives will be difficult."I saw Compton's DeMar DeRozan backing you at today's news conference. What are your thoughts about a young man like him when you enter negotiations with the NBA?"It's about him, and so many others like him. They generate all the revenue for this league, and being paid what they deserve enables opportunities for their families who've never had — if not for basketball. I read where 50% of black males ages 17-52 are unemployed in New York. Maybe it's not that bad everywhere else, but it's severe. This will either have a tremendous positive or negative impact on determining unemployment in the arena, restaurant and service industries around where we play. Plus, community morale. Fans love their teams, and in these hard times, sports can be a major, important distraction from the real world that we should be committed to provide."What role will NBA superstars like Kobe Bryant and LeBron James play as this moves forward?"They've been deeply involved in the meetings we've had. I know Kobe is intimately involved in interfacing with colleagues and sharing in a pool of revenue to help the others get through this. Kobe has volunteered to do that in the event others need, he and others are prepared to loan money if necessary."Doesn't this back-and-forth about what percentage of salary cut the players will accept go away if the owners could establish a more effective revenue-sharing plan that, for instance, would allow other teams to enjoy some of the billions the Lakers will collect from their new television deal? "The owners can figure that out, but the question is how they will adopt a new plan. They know a good, robust plan resolves these things, but we haven't heard any specifics about what they're considering. I will tell you I know this: We won't be able to do a deal until that gets resolved."By Lance Pugmire McCormick Tribune Student Center - Illinois Institute of Technology

Stools in the McCormick Tribune Student Center - Illinois Institute of Technology.

Like most folks without cable, the biggest drawback I’ve found is the inability to keep track of my favorite sports teams. While takes care of that need during the baseball season (Disclosure: I’m a big Phillies fan), keeping tabs on the NFL season is a whole different beast. But what if you could stream every NFL game over the Internet? That’s what I did over the weekend, as I got my weekly dose of football not on TV at a friend’s house or at the local pub, but in the comfort of my own home, on my laptop and iPad.
Don’t (expect to) try this at home
It’s important to note that this isn’t a guide to streaming games without paying for cable or satellite TV: The iPad apps I used — DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket to Go and ESPN’s WatchESPN app — aren’t available for free. DirecTV’s NFL Sunday Ticket package costs $ 350 for the season, for instance. I was lucky enough to score a login to Sunday Ticket from a PR contact with an invitation to test out the service, but those without DirecTV satellite service can sign up for the streaming option if they’re willing to shell out the cash.
Meanwhile, live video on the WatchESPN iPad app is only available to Time Warner Cable, Brighthouse Networks and Verizon FiOS customers that subscribe to ESPN. Again, I was able to log in through a test account that I had received from ESPN when the application was launched. The good news is that NBC’s Sunday Night Football stream is still free, although that means those without cable or satellite will only be able to stream one game a week.
In other words, unless you’re a Time Warner Cable subscriber that also wants to pay for Sunday Ticket streaming, don’t expect to be able to simulate this exercise. That said, here’s a rundown of what I thought of each service:
NFL Sunday Ticket
DirecTV’s Sunday Ticket iPad app has pretty much everything a football fan could want on gameday. It’s got live scores from around the league and the ability to switch between virtually any game shown on CBS or Fox during the 1:00 ET or 4:00 ET time slots. It also provides stats and game highlights from each game shown during that time period.
Most importantly, the Sunday Ticket app has the Red Zone Channel, which jumps between games whenever a team gets into scoring position. Red Zone is perfect for the football fan who has ADD, or who might not be rooting for any particular team on Sunday, but just wants to be updated on all the scoring action happening from around the league.
The one thing Sunday Ticket doesn’t have on the iPad is a video archive — meaning it’s pretty much useless except for a period of about six hours every Sunday. But for those six hours, it might be a football fan’s best friend.
Sunday Night Football All Access
NBC has continued its tradition of live streaming its Sunday Night Football broadcast online, making it available to viewers through For viewers that don’t pay for cable, that means that there’s at least one free game a week. I was particularly interested in this week’s matchup, which was between the Philadelphia Eagles and the Atlanta Falcons. (Disclosure: I am also an Eagles fan.)
While the other two apps are available on the iPad, NBC’s Sunday Night Football broadcast leverages Microsoft Silverlight for playback, and so can’t be streamed on mobile devices. As a result, I watched it on my laptop. On the plus side, the service gives viewers a choice between multiple camera angles throughout the broadcast.
That said, video playback was just ok, and suffered from occasional buffering — something I wasn’t used to or expecting in the age of adaptive bit-rate streaming. It was an experience that reminded me how much I prefer HTML5-based HLS streaming on the iPad. One final downside to the SNF experience was a lack of diversity in the video ads that ran during breaks. If I never see the Toyota Venza Facebook commercial again, I’ll die a happy man.
Monday Night Football on WatchESPN
After a disappointing streaming experience on my laptop, it was nice to get back to watching football on the iPad. With WatchESPN, the iPad once again transformed into a personal football machine. While I was mostly interested in watching Monday Night Football, the ESPN app isn’t purpose built for that. In fact, viewers can watch live streams from ESPN, ESPN2, ESPN3 and ESPNU on the application.
The MNF broadcast on the iPad was more or less the same as what was on TV, which is a plus for viewers who might not be at home for whatever reason. Interestingly enough, while WatchESPN allows viewers to tune in on the Apple tablet device, those checking from their mobile phones are blacked out due to an exclusive mobile distribution agreement with Verizon.
When business trumps technology
If there’s one thing that I learned this weekend, it’s that the technology for distributing live streams of popular content like NFL games is fully baked — but access to those streams is being held back by contractual obligations.
DirecTV is paying about $ 1 billion a year for exclusive access to all Sunday Ticket games over the next four years, so you can’t really blame it for not being more open and selling the online portion at a discount to the satellite package it offers subscribers. After all, the whole point of NFL Sunday Ticket is not to collect the annual $ 350 charge from users — although that’s a nice bonus — but to get more subscribers signed up, who will hopefully stick with the satellite TV provider year-round.
As for the WatchESPN app, the biggest issue is that it’s not available to more cable or satellite subscribers, simply because the operators in their area haven’t struck a deal with ESPN. Hopefully that will change with time. In the meantime, streaming Monday Night Football on the iPad serves as a great example of good value-added service to consumers that is being held back by rights agreements.
Football photo courtesy of (CC BY 2.0) Flickr user Tom Newby.
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